Youth & Education
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The arts change lives, and the power of Adelaide Festival’s world-class program provides teachers with the opportunity to introduce and expose students to big ideas, important global themes and new perspectives on life’s joys and challenges. Thought-provoking and inspiring performances and visual art act as a gateway into creative conversations and leave a lasting impression on young minds.
Thanks to the generous philanthropic support from The Lang Foundation, we are able to offer special school prices for all performances of the below shows.
SCHOOL PRICE $20/Equity $15#
Teacher resources are available for these shows with information and links to ACARA, SACE and IB. These are downloadable on the individual event pages under "Resources".

*Baba Yaga tickets $18/$12#
** The Magic Flute tickets $30#
#Transaction fees apply
Bookings required
Visual Art
Adelaide//International - Samstag Museum
and the earth sighed - South Australian Museum
Another Life - Festival Centre Foyer
Quilty - Art Gallery of South Australia
Picaresque - Festival Centre Banquet Room
The Violet Ballet - ACE Open
Festival Forums - The Palais
Adelaide Writers’ Week
Pioneer Women’s Memorial Garden.
No booking required.
For the audio version of this page, click here.
For all schools bookings and enquiries contact:
All education resources for The Magic Flute come courtesy of State Opera of South Australia including schools’ workshop programs, masterclasses and Q&As with key creators and performers.
Additionally, we have dedicated e-newsletters for teachers, so if you would like to receive these please email: