Terms & Conditions
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Purchasing Tickets
For the full conditions of sale when purchasing tickets from BASS to Adelaide Festival events, please visit the following link:
Competitions and Give-Aways via the website and/or the E-Newsletter or festival surveys
For competitions/giveaways through which entrants must answer a specific question, unless otherwise stated in the premise: a winning entry/entries will be drawn at random; the first entry/entries drawn containing the correct answer will win. For competitions/giveaways through which entrants must provide a response, unless otherwise stated in the premise, a winning entry/entries will be chosen by a panel representing the Adelaide Festival based on creativity, originality and adherence to the brief, at the discretion of Adelaide Festival Corporation.
The Adelaide Festival Corporation may compile and publish entries and/or responses to online competitions. In such cases, Adelaide Festival will not publish any entrants' personal information unless specifically instructed to do so in writing by the competition entrant. By entering any Adelaide Festival competition and/or give-away, the entrant warrants that the submission (and any part thereof) is their own work, or that they have any permissions necessary from the owner of the material to reproduce and distribute the work, and gives permission for Adelaide Festival to publish this content through its social media, website and E-Newsletter.
All competitions/giveaways for which entrants must not submit a specific answer or response, winner(s) will be chosen at random.
All prizes/giveaways are non-transferable. By entering an Adelaide Festival competition, all entrants expressly agree to these terms and conditions.
Leaving comments on the website
We welcome you to leave comments on our website. All comments will go through a moderation process by Adelaide Festival; they will not be published immediately. We are not obligated to post any comment submitted and not obligated to justify any decision.
- If you quote someone or use their ideas or theories, please let us know who they are! Referencing is cool.
- We won’t publish anything that is (or could be reasonably expected to be): defamatory to any person or thing; racially or religiously vilifies, incites violence or hatred; is likely to offend, insult or humiliate others based on race, religion, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation or any physical or mental disability.
- We won’t publish anything which advertises or promotes goods or services that are not directly related, or in context to the discussion taking place.
The views expressed in comments areas are not our views, nor the views of any of our stakeholders. We accept no liability in respect of any material posted in the comments areas. We are not responsible for its content and accuracy.
If you think that a comment that has been posted is offensive please email info@adelaidefestival.com.au, include a link to the page on which the comment resides and state your reasons for objecting to it.
Adelaide Festival takes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of, or the representations made by, the content of this site.
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This website contains information provided by third parties. You should be aware that there may be technical inaccuracies, typographical errors, programming bugs or computer viruses in this website or its content.
Access to this web site is provided on the condition that:
(i) To the full extent permitted by law, Adelaide Festival will be under no liability to any person in respect of any loss or damage (including consequential loss or damage) which may be suffered or incurred or which may arise directly or indirectly from or in connection with any use of this website or of the information on or accessed through this website for whatever reason (including negligence).
(ii) Where any statute implies any term in relation to your use of this website and that statute prohibits any exclusion or modification of that term, then that term is included. However, the liability of Adelaide Festival for breach of any such term will be limited to resupply of the services that comprise this website.
Any information contained within this site about any subject matter whosoever is of a general nature only and is not intended to be complete or definitive. You should obtain professional advice before taking any action in relation to any matter referred to on this site.